Maid of Honor Speech

When I became the maid of honor, I found some examples of funny maid of honor speeches from a great website which helped me in putting together my own speech. Later, I will share with you the resource. But first, let me share some important points I have learned in delivering the maid of honor speech.
  • Prepare early - The moment the bride asks you to be her maid-of-honor, that's the time you want to start preparing for your speech. As the wedding date gets near, you will be performing more duties and writing a good speech can take the back seat.
  • Focus on the bride - As the maid-of-honor, you should talk more about the bride. Undoubtedly you have spent a lot of time with her. You may even have known her since you were little kids. Sharing a few memorable childhood moments is a wonderful highlight to your speech. Remember that the best man will be talking about the groom so you have the privilege to make the bride feel really special with your speech.
  • Don't go overtime - A five-minute speech should be fine to say everything you need to say, including your best wishes for the couple. Remember that right after you deliver your maid-of-honor speech, other speakers will follow after you. You don't want to bore people or annoy the other speakers with a very lengthy speech.
  • Be natural - The audience does not expect you to play the role of a stand-up comedian. You don't have to make them laugh by the minute. It is good to have a balance of substance and humor in your speech. You can include funny one-liners or a funny wedding quotation to add punch to your speech.
  • This is where you want to do some reading - Searching for funny lines will be a lot easier if you know where to look online. There is no need to spend hours on the internet reading a hundred different funny maid of honor speeches. If you read everything online, you may only end up confused with what to say.
To find well-written funny maid of honor speeches, visit Here, you can find hilarious quotations, funny one-liners, inspiring wedding toasts, 25 time-tested, outstanding maid of honor wedding speeches, and more. This website is a good place to start your preparation onwriting your own speech.